
Disruptions review by Carol Mazer

Brochure from Disruptions Show

*  Indicates available for purchase. Contact for more information.

Fast Track Forest | 50" x 102" | acrylic and paper on wood | 2018 | *
Golden State | 52x96 | acrylic/wood | 2014 | *
Sauvie Island Road | 48" x 61" | acrylic and sand on wood | 2013-2018 | Private Collection
Free Way through Town | 50" x 69.25" | acrylic on wood | 2018 | *
1-800 Paradise | 48" x 81" | acrylic on wood | 2000/2009/2018 | *
North Portland Junction | 60" x 117" | acrylic and sand on wood | 2009, 2018 | (Right panel in Private Collection)
Forest Park with Tracks, forest, train tracks
Forest Tracks | 48" x 63" | acrylic and sand on wood | 2013, 2018 | Collection of Hallie Ford Museum
Unfinished City | 84" x 100" | acrylic/wood | 2018 | *
MAX Yellow Line | 54" x 55" | acrylic on wood | 2018 | *
Night Passage | 51" x 96" | acrylic on wood | 2018 | *
Red line | 54" x 82" | acrylic on wood | 1991, 2018 | *
Time and Termites | 48" x 36" | acrylic, paper, termite droppings, sand and wood on plywood | 2013 | Private Collection
Forest Park Rotation
Forest Park Rotation | 36" x 48" | acrylic, sawdust and garnet gel on plywood | 2013 | *
Transplants | 36" x 76" | acrylic on wood | 2013 | *